Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Exploring Organisations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Exploring Organisations - Research Paper Example Information was gathered on several main areas by searching the given case study, academic libraries, websites and reports. Best Management Practices that include the proper handling, storage and disposal of oil should be adopted instead of dumping the oil into near by river . Purchase recycled products such as oil and grease. By doing so, you help ensure a use for recyclable materials. Wash greasy equipment such as vents and vehicles in designated wash areas with an appropriate oil/water separator before storing outside. Ensure that designated wash areas are properly connected to the sewer system. To solve issues autocratic management and issues in communication between the strategic management and the works manager and works staff caused due to the resignation of works director which in turn led to many disputes: Democratic style: In contrast to the autocratic style, the organization should use democratic decision-taking in many parts of the business. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision. There are two types of democratic decision-making: To solve disputes arising out of lack of involvement and communication with the work force and issues arising out of scientific management approach which leads to very little communication with work force exists: Open door policy should be adopted in certain areas t... Recommendations To solve pollution issue caused by leakage of oil from servicing vehicles to near by river: Best Management Practices that include the proper handling, storage and disposal of oil should be adopted instead of dumping the oil into near by river . Purchase recycled products such as oil and grease. By doing so, you help ensure a use for recyclable materials. Wash greasy equipment such as vents and vehicles in designated wash areas with an appropriate oil/water separator before storing outside. Ensure that designated wash areas are properly connected to the sewer system. To solve issues autocratic management and issues in communication between the strategic management and the works manager and works staff caused due to the resignation of works director which in turn led to many disputes: Democratic style: In contrast to the autocratic style, the organization should use democratic decision-taking in many parts of the business. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision. There are two types of democratic decision-making: 1. Persuasive democratic management - here the leader makes the decision first and then persuades employees that he or she has made the right decision 2. Consultative democratic management - this involves the group contributing to the decision making process, with the leader making the final decision. To solve disputes arising out of lack of involvement and communication with the work force and issues arising out of scientific management approach which leads to very little communication with work force exists: Open door policy should be adopted in certain areas to make the work force feel important. Their views and problems should be attended to sincerely and they should be

Monday, October 28, 2019

Music Appreciation Unit review Essay Example for Free

Music Appreciation Unit review Essay Review Questions: 1) Popular music is any music since industrialization in the mid-1800s that meet middle class expectations. Popular contains all different types of music and Pop music is just simply a type of music included in popular music. It’s kind of like saying all Maple trees are trees but not all trees are Maple trees! 2) Themes such as love and relationships are used to create much of the pop music lyrics. A song that uses this theme would be Tina Turner’s song â€Å"What’s love got to do with it†, in which Turner describes love as being nothing more than a heart break. It was a popular theme because many people could relate it to their lives and their situation. 3) Disco had â€Å"soaring† vocals and a beat that made you want to dance- Rhythm often emphasized. It didn’t play a tempo to fast nor slow (between 100-130 bpm) and was made in the 1970’s. 4) The British Invasion is when British boy bands and their music started to become very popular in the United States of America. The Beatles were a large impact in this movement. They mixed many different kinds of music together which then caused others to do as well. The Beatles also sang about social issues while still incorporating catchy lyrics and rhythm. 5) A boy band usually consist of 3-6 younger male singers and they rarely use instruments. They also perform highly choreographed dance routines. And they all have their classifications ________________________________________ Critical Thinking Questions: 1) Yes I believe music is still used as a form of protest. There are still many songs where the sole purpose of lyrical is to protest some social issue. For example the band Nickelback sings many songs about coming together to help everyone. Like in their song â€Å"When We Stand Together†, a lyric that pops out is â€Å"when we could feed a starving world with what we  throw away. But all we serve are empty words that always taste the same.† While many of us know that there less fortunate people out in the world fighting to feed themselves, some take for granted that they have dinner every night. And Nickelback tried to write this song that confronted the issue that we all have to look out for one another. And there are plenty of other bands/singers that confront social and political issues. 2) Yes I believe music has become really commercialized today. Many artists are just singing for the money. Or there are some that just want to do it in order to be popular and gain their five seconds of fame. You can see this in their attitudes- caring more about the outfit they’re wearing or the car they get to show off instead of setting time aside to actually interact with their fans.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Powerful Message of It’s a Wonderful Life Essay -- Film, Movies

The Powerful Message of It’s a Wonderful Life It’s a Wonderful Life begins in the â€Å"party economy† of the 1920’s, during the rise of capitalism in America. The growth of economy and rapid technological advances during this post-war period lead to improvements in production and telecommunication, increasing the importance of financial markets. Allowing companies to make money by the sale of shares, financial markets opened ownership of companies to the public. In the 1920’s, when business was booming and many people were making money in the market, the public became very excited about the get-rich-quick opportunities they saw in a market they didn’t necessarily understand. When the ignorant public began throwing their money into the stock market on the unstable basis of margin buying, money in the market became inflated until the market eventually imploded. Numerous people, businesses and banks were financially ruined in the stock market crashes of 1929. Speculating heavily with their deposi ts, many banks were totally wiped out during the crash of 1929, which created a run on the banking system. The crashes, along with other social, political and economic disasters, provoked the Great Depression. The Great Depression is the backdrop for It’s a Wonderful Life, and although the film does not delve deeply into the economics of the depression, it influences and affects every aspect of the movie. The first major impact the depression has on Bedford Falls is the run on the bank. Everyone in town is in a panic because of the market crash, and fearful that they may lose all of their money in the Savings and Loan, the public rushes to the bank in an attempt to retrieve it. Fortunately, the Savings and Loan was not financially ruined i... ... the quality of life change with George’s existence. Nick lives in Potter’s field and works as a bartender in Pottersville. He is a mean and cynical old man. In Bedford Falls, Nick had lived in Bailey Estates and had owned the bar with help from the Savings and Loan. He was a caring family man. The importance of balance of powers within a single community is evident when examining the two scenarios. George Bailey fights on the side of the people in Bedford Falls. He sacrifices himself and his future a number of times in order to raise the standard of living. Keeping the Bailey Savings and Loan in business saves the town from Potter’s monopoly and the subsequent transformation of Bedford Falls. It’s a Wonderful Life is not only a story about one man’s impact on the lives of others, but also a glimpse of how a town can transform under different economic scenarios.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jihad: Moving Beyound Cultural Biases and Misconceptions Essay

The concept of Jihad was not widely known in the western world before the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. Since then, the word has been woven into what our media and government feed us along with notions of Terrorism, Suicide Bombings, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, and now, Jihad. Our society hears exhortations resounding from the Middle East calling the people to rise up in Jihad and beat back the imperialist Americans. Yet, if we try to peel back all of these complex layers of information we can we attempt to find out what Jihad really means. Webster’s Dictionary defines Jihad as â€Å"a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty or a crusade for a principle or belief† (1). Often, media depicts Jihad in the same manner—as a vicious clash between two very different peoples, each of whom believes that righteousness, and in many cases God, is on their side. From this interpretation and our daily media intake, one may re asonably assume that Jihad refers to nothing more than violent acts, or â€Å"holy wars.† While there is no precise definition of the term, the meaning of Jihad is far more complex. In fact, the term Jihad generally refers to the struggle one must undertake as one â€Å"strive[s] in the path of God† (Church 110). That struggle is defined both externally and internally. As so, they are classified in terms of an external struggle with enemies or non believers, or an internal struggle with oneself to reject greed and temptation. While popular opinion has been misconstrued to see Jihad as a malevolent, violent action; a serious investigation of the term’s historical and religious background reveals a multi-defined word. An examination of the Jihad’s etymological context will lend a k... ... As Americans, we must approach Jihad with sensitivity, an admission of our ignorance on the subject, and an earnest attempt to properly educate ourselves. Works Cited Church, Kenneth. â€Å"Jihad.† Collateral Language. Ed. John Collins and Ross Glover. New York: NYU Press, 2000. 109-123. Engineer, Asghar Ali. â€Å"The Real Meanings of Jihad.† December 2001. 1 October 2003.Husaq, Nina. E-mail to the author. 19 October 2003. Juergensmeyer, Mark. Terror In The Mind Of God. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (6th Edition) Springfield: Merriam-Webster, 1999.Rogers-Melnick, Ann. â€Å"Jihad Misused, Misunderstood.† Post-Gazette 23 September 2001. 2 October 2003. The Qu’ran. LXI:11, p.398; IX:41, p.149. Witham, Larry. â€Å"Muslims See Wordplay as Swordplay in Terrorism War.† The Washington Post. 24 July 2002. 3 October 2003.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Automobile †Transport Essay

There are many different kind of transportation vehicles that changed people’s lives; including automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, and many more. I feel automobiles have affected the lives of Americans the most. They have made it possible for individuals to travel many miles a day. Before the automobile, people in cities had to take streetcars to get anywhere farther than they could walk. People who lived out of town had to get to work on trains. There are many different kind of transportation vehicles that changed people’s lives; including automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, and many more. I feel automobiles have affected the lives of Americans the most. They have made it possible for individuals to travel many miles a day. Before the automobile, people in cities had to take streetcars to get anywhere farther than they could walk. People who lived out of town had to get to work on trains. People who lived on farms or in small villages in the country would come into town maybe once a month in a horse-drawn wagon to do their shopping, but a horse couldn’t walk more than few miles. Automobiles provided greater mobility for people. They provided more choices to live. When choosing a job in the old days people tried to find homes that were closest to their work. Cars made it possible for people to move 20-30 miles or more from the city and drive in to work every day. Through my experiences getting to school from bus is a lot slower than cars. I can wake up a lot later if my dad drives me to school. Cars helped transportation become easier and faster. A person could be transported anywhere either by himself or with his family without stopping to rest to feed their horses. Families could sit in comfort while listening to music. However, cars have brought a negative effect on the world, like pollution from exhaust emissions. Cars also take up a lot of space including parking space and parking lots which replace many buildings. It is more dangerous to drive than to walk because of crashes. The ease of a drunken man driving a car is much more dangerous than a drunken man walking. Automobiles can be more dangerous but it provides a lot. Automobiles have had positive and negative effect on the world and changed many people’s lives. Traveling great distances is not much of a problem for people. It also bought time for many people; walking may take 30 minutes but by car it only takes five minutes. Without automobiles the world would be a whole different world. Roads wouldn’t be paved and traveling would be a great deal harder.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Question Paper Essays

Question Paper Essays Question Paper Essay Question Paper Essay CASE STUDY : 3 International Case : The Restructuring of Daimler-Benz In a 1996 address to stockholders and friends of Daimler-Benz, CEO Jurgen Schrempp reviewed the position of the diversified company. He started by saying 1995 was a dramatic year in the history of Daimler-Benz. It was also a year that the board of management made a major break with the past. Daimler-Benz, with more than 300,000 employees worldwide, consisted of four major groups: The first, by far the biggest and most successful group, was Mercedes-Benz with about 200,000 employees. It is best known for its passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The second was the AEG Daimler-Benz industries in the business of rail systems, microelectronics, heavy diesel engines, energy systems technology, and automation. The third was the Aerospace Group in the business of aircraft (the company has a more than one-third interest in the Airbus consortium), space systems, defense and civil systems, and propulsion systems. Finally, there was the Inter Services Group consisting of systemshaus, financial services, insurance brokerage, trading, marketing services, mobile communications services, and real estate management. Daimler-Benz went through various development phases. From 1985 to 1990, it diversified into aerospace and electrical engineering. The aim was to become an integrated high-tech group. This diversification was further consolidated in the next phase that extended from 1990 to 1995. Under the leadership of Schrempp, the core business was redefined and the strategy refocused. A 1995-96 portfolio review showed the need for refocusing on what the company could do best. Top management reevaluated its strategies and its core businesses based on economic criteria and the strategic fit of the various activities. It became clear that the companys strengths were in car manufacturing, the truck business, and the railroad sector. Mercedes Benz, for example, had a strong competitive position with its cars and trucks in Europe, North America, and Latin America. Vans were also relatively strong in Europe, and buses had a good competitive position in Latin America. Based on this analysis, the strategies for potential growth were through globalization and the development of new product segments. In 1996, top management reassessed the companys position and its 1995 unsatisfactory results from its operations. It was discovered that the company was exposed to currency fluctuations that affected profitability. The companys image was also blurred because of the ventures into many different kinds of industries. The management board decided to cut its losses and chart a new direction for the company, with greater emphasis on profitability. The organization structure was tightened and certain businesses were divested. In fact, policy decision from an earlier period were reversed. The unprofitable AEG Group and the Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker did not receive financial support. Since both the Dutch government and Daimler-Benz withdrew support, Fokker filed for bankruptcy. Although these and other drastic decisions helped reduce the 1995 financial losses, the companys goal was not to emphasize maximizing short-term profitability but to work toward medium- and long-term profitability. A number of other managerial decisions were made to achieve the ambitious goals of reducing costs and improving profitability. Employees close to the operations were empowered to make decisions necessary to carry out their tasks. The organization structure was simplified and decentralized so that organizational units could respond faster to environmental changes. Moreover, the new organization structure was designed to promote an entrepreneurial spirit. Control was exercised through a goal-driven, performance-based reward system. At the same time, the new structure was designed to promote cooperation. In 1997, the board of management restructured and integrated the Mercedes-Benz Group into Daimler-Benz. Consequently, Mercedes-Benzs chief, Helmut Werner, who had been given credit for a successful model policy, resigned from the company. Questions: 1) What is your assessment of Daimler-Benzs operations in many different fields? 2) Should the various groups operate autonomously? What kinds of activities should be centralized? 3) Daimler-Benz is best known for its Mercedes-Benz cars. Why do you think Daimler bought AEG in the first place and why did it venture into the Aerospace and Inter Services businesses? 4) Given the apparent mistakes in acquiring non-automotive businesses, what should Jurgen Schrempp do now?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Airline Profiling will cost the United States too much money essays

Airline Profiling will cost the United States too much money essays Thesis: Airline Profiling will cost the United States too much money and its integrity. 1.) Basic information of what proposed profiling is and how it works. a.) Computer evaluates about 40 facts and data about each passenger (most of it secret criteria) travel history, how tickets were paid for, one way vs. roundtrip. b.) Random searches at security persons discretion. c.) Luggage checks (explosive detection system, luggage matching procedures) 2.) What does constitution say? (about these issues?) The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law, which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 3.) Give examples of False Comforts (realities of method) a.) Profiling is one step behind terrorists. (this came after attacks) b.) Terrorists do not have to fit the profile to be one. (Timothy Mc Veigh, Richard Reid) 4.) Arab Americans reactions/ rights. a.) Discrimination felt by them, Survey conducted by Zogby International reveals b.) Example of Congressman Issa's discrimination experience c.) Example of threats received after 9/11. a.) money issues (workforce of 70,000.) b.) Airport business affected - cutlery c.) Airline staff cuts to make up for airline costs d.) Train airline personnel in ...